You all know that I love sharing recipes, crafts, diy projects, and tips for everyday living! Well, did you know that I love you all too? I love you all for following along with me on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram. A huge thank you for taking the extra step and signing up for my newsletter!
As a token of my appreciation, I’m going to start having exclusive content in my newsletter just for you! That’s right! Some of what you’ll get in my newsletters will not have been published on The Kreative Life website. That means exclusive posts, free printables, and giveaways!
I want to start off with a giveaway for a $25 Michaels craft store gift card for my newsletter subscribers! Just use the form below to enter. If you’re not on my newsletter list, you can signup using the blue box at the top of the screen. Once you’re signed up for the newsletter, then send in your giveaway entry using the form below.
Good Luck!